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The town is mainly dedicated to the care and cultivation of vines and the production of magnificent wines.
The town is divided into two distinct parts: On the one hand, there is the urban area made up of private homes and, on the other, the area where the wineries are located, known as the Matarredo Neighbourhood, where the wine-making takes place.
Town Hall
A destacar
Historic building
Panoramic view
Recreational area
- El Cristo and El Valle hermitages
- Parish Church of the Assumption
- Matarredo neighborhood
- Balcón de Rioja Alavesa (Viewpoint)
- Unique buildings: Hotel Palacio de Samaniego.
- Traditional bowling court
- Carnival
- The Burning of Judas. Easter Sunday
- Pentecost festivities
- Festivities of Nuestra Señora del Valle (Our Lady of the Valley). September 8
- Las Mañas. December 7
- Live Nativity Scene. 24 December