The land, and the product from it, constitute the way of life of several generations of the Bello Berganzo family, who believe in what they do: combining tradition and avant-garde to make genuine Rioja Alavesa wines.
Bodega Bello Berganzo, has 40 hectares. own vineyard, located at the foot of the Toloño mountain range in the epicenter of Rioja Alavesa. The soil, the climate, the vinifera, the orientation and the good work determine the quality of their wines.
We offer personalized visits for each client, where they can enjoy the world of wine from the vineyard, through cellars to the current winery with a glass of our different wines in hand.
- Reception of groups
- Tour with advance booking
- Visits to vineyards
- Visits to wineries
- Tasting session
- Wine bar
- Pets allowed
- Gastronomic experience
- Parking
- Wifi